Wednesday, January 12, 2011


1. Enjoy the big and small things in life.
2. Celebrate each milestone you reach - don’t wait for others to give you recognition.
3, Keep your word - on the little and big things.
4. Trust your heart.
5. Sing loud, dance often - especially when no one is looking or complaining or listening.
6. Take good care of your relationships…trust me on this one.
7. Tell the people you love that you love them. I once fell in love with this guy, but I never told him. Now I regret it.
8. Don’t regret things or mourn over bad decisions…learn from them.
9. Don’t wait for dreams to come true, make them come true.
10.  Learn to love hard work.
11.  Stop complaining, moaning, and whining….you’re just wasting time.
12.  Accept the best and nothing less.
13.  Be kind…always.
14.  Laughter heals the heart.
15.  Learn to wait.
16.  Learn patience.
17.  Give often, serve the needy, lift those with feeble knees, cry with those who are crying, and don’t wait to be asked to do something helpful.
18.  Carry a mini emergency kit at all times, eg. Band aids, Purel, pen, paper, lighter, Kleenex and more.
19.  Never stop learning.
20.  Back up, back up often, have double or triple copies of that back up. Seriously!
21.  Be insanely passionate and don’t be afraid of it.
22.  Work really hard to get over your fears, in fact list your fears and work on them one by one.
23.  Listen often and look for the deeper meaning.
24.  Don’t let anyone make decisions for you, don’t let anyone manipulate you.
25.  Always count your blessings.
26.  Give the benefit of a doubt, don’t judge someone/something right off the bat. Never judge a book by it’s cover.
27.  Don’t be afraid of the number (I’m working hard on this one).
28.  Don’t take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time….messy results will follow.
29.  Accept yourself, love yourself, and be yourself. Yes, I’m working on this one too.

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